How To Read The Blog

Welcome to the blog focusing on Events & Sustainability.

The blog has been divided up into various sections, the best way in which to read and understand the blog would be to read the blog from the bottom up (following the order stated in the Table of Contents).

Happy Reading :)

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The Image of Events & Sustainability

Events have an image of a hedonistic, resource gulping and garbage producing model but have the potential to change this image into one of a harmonious balance between human activity, resource use with minimal environmental impact (Jones). Some have even began to set the standard for sustainable events.

More and more festival organizers believe that their festivals environmental credentials have an influence on ticket buyers as 48% would pay more for a greener event, 59.4% stating it was an important factor when considering which event to go to and 36% state green as an important factor when buying a ticket and that it is the festival-goers opinions that are encouraging the move towards greener festivals rather than artist pressure (O’Neill, 2009).


  1. Sorry Saarika, this sentence “Events have an image of a hedonistic, resource gulping and garbage producing model”, I was a little confused about this, would you mind do some explain and give an example.

    1. Because organize events need a lot of resource and sometimes people make a mess after they left from events.

    2. Hi Jing,

      Basically broken down it means that Events are known to be there just for the pursuit of pleasure, to use a lot of resources and produce a lot of garbage/ rubbish/ trash without any consideration of the effects.

      An example would be the following link, which shows what the after effects of an Event looks like..

  2. I believed a good event management skill will make sustainable and events combine harmonious. For instance, Olympics games have a large impact on the communities, so a good event management team will be necessary.
