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Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Events and Sustainability

We drive to an event, when we could use public transport, we throw away bottles of water instead of refilling them, we print tickets instead of using the technology available to us…. It is not wonder that wastefulness is considered to be a byproduct to holding events (O’Connor, 2010).  

Land pollution from waste generation, air pollution from carbon dioxide generated by heating, cooling, lighting, pollution from diesel and petrol vehicle, noise pollution from the event, water pollution from spillages and administration office waste are some of the many sustainable issues facing the Events sector today. 


  1. In fact, sustainable development is also a key issue for China. Though the years, the China greatest problem was in their mass population. Many problems in China stem from the population problem, energy has now become a threat as China becomes more and more technologically advanced as well as more industrialized. However, China is working very hard to achieve sustainability. Hope I can get some good idea form your rest articles O(∩_∩)O~

  2. The Events and Sustainability is an international multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the society. Despite sustainable and development is often an over-used word, but goes to the heart of the issue which is development that is sustainable and not damaging to the planet. This will be the difficult part to solve. So I am very interested with the blog topic, hope can learn something.
